StrataBugs - iDatReservoir




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StrataBugs is the market leader in biostratigraphic data management software. StrataBugs provides the ultimate solution in biostratigraphic data handling for both data generators and data users. Using StrataBugs you can record, store, manipulate and display biostratigraphic and geological data including wireline logs and graphic lithologies for one or multiple wells.
Biostratigraphic data management system
StrataBugs is the biostratigraphic data management system of choice for biostratigraphers worldwide. StrataBugs protects data integrity and minimises data entry tasks so that more time can be spent on interpretation.

Fossil occurrence data may be entered using an on-screen picklist, an on-screen overlay which can optionally be used with a touch screen (not supplied), or using a separate tablet device (not supplied); data are verified against a taxonomic database. In addition, facilities are provided for recording multiple versions of interpreted geological data such as ages, biozones, lithostratigraphy, palaeoenvironments, sequence picks and for displaying all of these data against graphic lithology and wireline log traces on screen or hardcopy. Data can be exchanged with other databases and charts imported into desktop publishing packages. The ability to link with other corporate computer systems makes StrataBugs an ideal choice for larger organisations with a computing infrastructure in place. The system can be configured to suit your needs: from standalone to shared network databases.

Users can get a summary of their data and "drill down" to look at the details. Import tools enable users to import data from other StrataBugs users and in Checklist, Ragware, CSV, Tilia, PD, Strats, Fugro-Robertson’s RG, Bugware and other formats. The taxonomic database ensures that the user is able to verify new taxon names before they are loaded to the system. In addition, the system "learns" which alternatives to imported names are preferred and can subsequently switch them automatically.
Main Features

    • Taxonomic database to protect data integrity
    • Biostratigraphic data entry via picklist or on-screen overlay
    • Record interpretations backed by schemes and dictionaries
    • Sophisticated template-based interactive charting system, including:
    • Biostratigraphic distributions
    • (Multiple) interpretations, lithology and wireline logs
    • Multi-well correlation and chronostratigraphic diagrams
    • Drilled Depth, TVD, TWT and (multiple) age scales
    • Interactive graphic correlation tool
    • Exchange data with other StrataBugs users
    • Import StrataBugs, DEX, RG, Bugware and other formats
    • Export data in StrataBugs XML/SBG, DEX and other formats
    • Save graphical output to PDF and SVG
    • Online help
    • Ongoing software enhancement
    • Maintenance agreement available
Chart Plotting
The principal features of the StrataBugs chart plotting application are as follows:
    • Semi quantitative or quantitative occurrences
    • Histograms or saw-tooth curves (various styles) and spindle diagrams
    • Absolute or % abundance (various calculations)
    • Presence/absence, stratigraphic range and numeric display
    • Species richness and diversity calculations
    • Multi-trace group total panel display and stacked curves
    • Interpretations with user-defined coloured intervals (optional)
    • Graphic lithology, grain size and wireline logs
    • Correlation of interval boundaries and events with user-defined datums
    • Chronostratigraphic diagrams
    • Header with well and chart details and logo (optional)
    • Chart legends and overflow text boxes
      • User-defined vertical (DD, TVD, TWT and Age) and horizontal scales
      • Display in feet or metres
      • Plot all samples or selected types/analysts
      • Comments, events and striplog displays
      • Column order, labeling and titling fully customisable
      • User-defined taxa grouping/colours
      • Save charts as WMF, PDF or SVG for storage, editing and remote printing
      • Stratigraphic range chart
      • Sequences with systems tracts display
      • Alphanumeric key and synonyms display
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